
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"It's Been a Long Road, Get'n From There to Here"

So in the words of the Enterprise theme song (or more accurately how I inaccurately remember it): "It's Been a Long Time" since I last posted.  What's been going on with me?  A lot actually K-9 and the Supernatural Penguin Army are 100% complete (although I really want to add more penguins!)  Right now I'm just too lazy to take pictures and I want to find a decent backdrop instead of my dirty carpet.

My new project was suggested to me by my friend Ash who said "Where in the world are you going to put all of that stuff?!  You crazy crocheter you should slow down or make a net or somethin'."  Yes, I'm paraphrasing.  But anyway I have this cute crochet book full of different stitches and one of them is the net stitch!!!  So I picked the diamond variation grabbed my rainbow colored yarn and started crocheting a multicolor net on the way to the Ren Faire on the 24th!  I've got a few inches worth done and it looks pretty good but it is slow going.  *5ch, sc* over and over again isn't very fast no matter how much I like chain stitching!  also it it over 30" wide so that I can throw K-9 in it if I want.  Hopefully it will be near completion soon so I can attach it to my ceiling out of sight and mind until the army chooses to attack any annoying people who enter my room.

Exciting News Everyone!  I just came back from JoAnn's and I have all the yarn I need for my next afghan!  Now that I have all the yarn I can make my brother a surprise Settlers of Catan themed Afghan for Christmas!  More info latter when I can be more secretive!   *Plot, Plot, Plot*

Oh and I've also been working on organizing all of the crochet and knit patterns that I've been collecting and using!  They're all cute and saved in paper protectors in a three ring notebook.  I've been trying to keep track and credit my online patterns as I go along.  This way I have the original cited pattern on the right side of the spread and my variations, spare yarn, completed pic are on the left side of the open notebook spread.  Very exciting!  Can you tell I love organization?!  XD

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