
Friday, August 13, 2010

The Invasion of Catan!

YAY!  I put together my main island for my Settlers of Catan Afghan today!  It's about 2 feet across due to the J-hook I'm using.  Also I decided to deviate from the pattern a little bit.  Instead of sewing them together with an invisible mattress stitch or something of that kind I went for the blatantly obvious joining method.  I sandwiched 2 blocks together and then just single crocheted around an edge until the entire island was put together.  It was incredibly easy and non stressful... usually I have a billion blocks sitting around for ages waiting to be put together.  Not this time!  I'm too excited AND I want to get it done by Christmas so there's no stopping me... except I have to stop when my brother's around since it is a SECRET PRESENT!The reason why I hose to add the tan single crochet sashing is because if you look at the Settlers of Catan tiles they each have a little tan border as if a little dirt road circled the pasture, forest, quarry, etc.  So I made my own little dirt road too!  The real question is do I like the front (which shows the single crochet) or the back (which is sleeker and easier to play on) more?  I'm not sure.  But since I like them both so much that means I need to embroider the little sheep on both sides of the afghan so it is truly reversible.  They better be worth the added effort!
Top of the Island with tan Single Crochet visible on top... and the close-up!

As I said before I also like the back and am considering making the back the front... just a little extra embroidery and it would look pretty good too!  It's already significantly less bumpy but the tan "road" surface isn't as pronounced... its more like a railroad or something idk.  Anyhow here's a look at the back and its close up too! (below)

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