
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Parade of the Dinosaurs

It's Origami Time!!!  So I've been making dancer mail which has hence been lost in a Pit of Despair... not joking it was thrown out on accident leaving one very depressed girl and one very unfairly guilt-ed girl in its wake.  Thus to preserve these masterpieces for all of time and space, I now officially post them online from the deepest, tenderest places of my heart.  Oh wait, I remember making these with a deranged witty pleasure... so maybe "from the depths of my crazed and obsessed crafty places of my heart" is a little better.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Piggy Bank Change Purse... Sinister

I admit, I needed something to qualify for an original pattern that I could make up at the drop of a hat.  I had one very non craft busy week and I was working to the last moment on this one: a very sinister piggy bank change purse that can scare away even the nicest souls with his evil square eyes... which after looking at my keyboard for a while I can find no way to accurately replicate.  >.<  Oh well!  Anyhow I have the pattern all done and basically perfected but I'm debating actually submitting it to something, I mean that's the reason why I made it in the first place, hmmmm.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.  Oh well that's what this is for!  I shall post now and think later... right?  Right!  :)  You know it's late when... you post pictures of a pig online.  You know it is way too early when... you start talking to yourself in a blog about posting a picture of a pig online.  Jeez, on with the show!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

When You're Ripping Out Stitches

When you're ripping out stitches and watching your life putter on by, you watch something cheerful, indulge in some chocolate and have a merry old time... or is that just me?  :P  Anyhow this is the link I just watched and it qualifies as a good fail-safe, plus you've got to love Monty Python!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Afghans Abound!

After going to JoAnn's and picking up another couple of pounds of yarn, I finished the third stripe which was a little over a pound of Cape Cod Blue.  That is an incredible amount of yarn for 15 measly rows!  Then I picked up my lightest blue which is really pretty next to the mid colored blue.  Unfortunately after crocheting nearly 7/8 a pound of yarn I only got 7 out of 15 rows done before running out of yarn!!  I just crocheted 2 pounds of yarn in three days!  I think I have an addiction.  This means another run to JoAnn's!  So basically I'm putting off the new Granny Square afghan in favor of the yet unfinished Settlers of Catan Afghan.  Luckily most of my homework can be in the form of audio books so this addiction isn't too bad--right?  On the Catan Afghan, I'm averaging about two hexagons an hour once I really get going, which is a better than my previous hexagon per hour.  That's thanks to all of the Buffy and Angel for the practice.  I've really increased my speed but now I have to find Buffy season 5 and Angel season 2!  YAY!!! But for now, back to crocheting and audiobooks!!