
Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Nerdy Summer 2012

Summers hanging around watching Daniel Jackson rescue humans from the Goa'uld, Jeremy Renner dropping it like it's hot in the Avengers, Bane kicking ass and blowing up football fields, and Spiderman being a snarky scientist... basically superheros being awesome in anything that ever existed  Yes, this sounds like an excellent use of my time!

I started a craft exchange with one of my friends.  I crocheted her Iron Man winter gear...

...and she painted me Doctor Who Shoes!

We also went to the midnight showing of Batman 3: The Dark Night Rises in style with our home made matching t-shirts... huzzah for sharpies, poster paint, and spare white t-shirts... all of which we found in our rooms before the show.

Last but not least I whipped up a little 3in Charizard on commission.  HE IS SO CUTE!

I also took the liberty of experimenting with Ultra-balls!  My customer loved it, and that's all I have to say at the moment!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A PSU Summer 2012

You might ask, "How did you spend your summer?"  And I would have to say quilting with Primeval, Crocheting with Burn Notice, and Duct Tape Corset making with Leverage.  Yes, crafting and TV the most relaxing and wonderful combination in the world.  Of course I was also working two part time jobs but who cares about that right now?  ...Exactly

So here's my summer projects!

Scarf #1:  Never Let Your Boss Know... unless you don't mind making and giving!  Luckily that's the fun part for me :)  My Boss Lady told me to make her whatever I wanted.  And clearly since it was the middle of summer, I made her a scarf.  #totalsense

Scarf #2:  Catching the Trend... Let's just say that after I made my boss a scarf, my coworker wanted one too!  But he wanted one in the traditional Nittany Lion fashion.  And so was born my first scarf with a fringe... very rad!