
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Written By a Kid is Amazing

I might not have blogged in a while about all my crafting... THE MAKING HAS CONSUMED MY LIFE... in short I am crocheting an afghan, two hats, a pair of tank slippers, and oh yeah knitting a pair of socks.  All while studying for finals.  Fun. Times.

ANYWAY LOOK AT GREAT STUDY BREAK FUN THINGS FROM GeekandSundry!!  I've been recommending Written By a Kid to all of my friends, surprisingly for schoolwork...  One of my friends is writing her senior honors thesis on how new media like tumblr, facebook, youtube, etc are affecting literacy and how to incorporate that into the classroom.  Another one of my friends is doing her final project on children's books and how they can be adapted for the internet.  Super cool right?  Anyway Written By a Kid is one of my favorite youtubes and it has kids telling their own stories while the fantastic crew animates them into reality!!  Not only is it super cute, its also a great way to get kids involved in literature and the creative process!  So Subscribe to geekandsundry here:

And watch my favorite episode starring the wonderfully awesome Joss Whedon with a cameo from the wonderful Felicia Day!!!