
Friday, September 13, 2013

Wall Hangings Done Easy!

I finally finished setting up my new apartment this week which means I can finally start decorating! Wallhangings done cheap and easy are my specialty this week.  So I stopped by the dollar store and got comic book themed washcloths!  Stretched and stapled to foam board, they look great!

As for supplies, all you need is fun fabric or washcloths, foam board (single ply works), an x-acto knife, ruler, stapler, adhesive hanging eyes, and little wire command strip hooks.

These will look great on my wall!

The Captain's Chair

Problem: I have a blue Ikea chair with the most unfortunate 21" circular stain.  I've washed and cleaned it so many times but the stain won't come out.

Solution: I could spend a lot of time and fabric making a chair cover OR I could paint over the circular stain with a circular logo... Captain America's Shield!  Avengers Unite!

Stage one was to use white fabric paint as my primer and paint over the entire circle, don't forget to put cardboard behind it first to stop bleed through.  Trace out the design with pencil, pen, or sharpie... it doesn't matter!  Then with lovely metallic acrylic paint, make that design beautiful.  Got icky edges?  A thin border of black puffy paint will make it pop!  Feeling extra artsy?  Cover and tape off the non painted parts of the chair and give it a quick spray coat of crystal clear.

Progress Pic:

One weekend later, presto!  Your very own Captain's Chair!