
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Doctor Who Cookie Cutters

I pulled out my TARDIS door covering and repurposed it for my new apartment door... why did it have to open from the opposite side as my last apartment?!?  Anyway it was a great way to start an all day Doctor Who Marathon party and cookie baking session.

But that's old news, the new addition to my crafty Doctor Who world are 3D printed cookie cutters!

Not too shabby!  Cybermen, adipose, Tardis, David Tennant, K9, Matt Smith, and (not featured because they were too delicious) daleks.  I tried out this pattern on thingiverse, the go to place for crowdsourcing 3D printed files.  It worked nicely but it didn't quite have the dalek angle that I wanted (more eyestalk!) and the second part of the cutter that made the impressions, well it wasn't impressive at all.  So I ended up making a lot of custom files using cookie caster and pics from the internet.  It took me a couple of tries to get the right thickness of cookie cutter.  On the thinest setting the makerbot I was using often translated the single line into two thin lines with space in-between. Queue hours of cleaning out cookie dough with a toothpick--no good.  The thickest setting was, well too thick and could probably be used for ink printing... but not cookies.  Somewhere along the way there is a happy medium for a solid reusable (handwash) cookie cutter.   I used PLA plastic and a Makerbot Replicator 2 and 2x.  Since the cookie cutters have such little surface area I had to put a raft on it so that it would stick to the print bed and not pop off mid print :(  which happened a fair amount especially on the Replicator 2x's heated print bed.  But hey cookie party achieved!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

An Impromptu Christmas

Living in an apartment and traveling for the holidays, it didn't make sense to get a real tree so I decided to make one.  Weekend Challenge: no supplies runs, no prep work, using the materials currently in my house make a 3 dimensional Christmas Tree.  No problem!  1) Easel, 2) green fabric-ish stuff, 3) Construction Paper, 4) Penn State themed ribbon, 5) Buttons!    Done.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tentacle Toothbrush Holder: 3D Printing

I'm so excited to test out the 3D printer in my local makerspace!  I'm using a Makerbot Replicator 2 with PLA and a Makerbot Replicator 2x with ABS plastic.  I've been browsing thingiverse to find the perfect projects.  I have discovered, I desperately want a Cthulhu toothbrush holder, but since that has yet to become a "thing" and I don't have the talent ie patience to design one... I guess I'll settle for tentacles!

On unrelated news I've also tested out 3D printing a spork (it was very sharp)

and this LionFish!  I actually made two because they printed out so beautifully!  But beware they tended to pop off the print bed if the temperature on the machine was a little off or the painters tape was old.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Daleks in School

The covert invasion has begun!  Beware of Daleks sneaking into your classrooms, your bars imitating lost college freshman with their eyestalk in a map.

Made from grey, black, and pale blue Caron Soft.  Pattern from Lucy Ravenscar on Ravelry

Friday, September 13, 2013

Wall Hangings Done Easy!

I finally finished setting up my new apartment this week which means I can finally start decorating! Wallhangings done cheap and easy are my specialty this week.  So I stopped by the dollar store and got comic book themed washcloths!  Stretched and stapled to foam board, they look great!

As for supplies, all you need is fun fabric or washcloths, foam board (single ply works), an x-acto knife, ruler, stapler, adhesive hanging eyes, and little wire command strip hooks.

These will look great on my wall!

The Captain's Chair

Problem: I have a blue Ikea chair with the most unfortunate 21" circular stain.  I've washed and cleaned it so many times but the stain won't come out.

Solution: I could spend a lot of time and fabric making a chair cover OR I could paint over the circular stain with a circular logo... Captain America's Shield!  Avengers Unite!

Stage one was to use white fabric paint as my primer and paint over the entire circle, don't forget to put cardboard behind it first to stop bleed through.  Trace out the design with pencil, pen, or sharpie... it doesn't matter!  Then with lovely metallic acrylic paint, make that design beautiful.  Got icky edges?  A thin border of black puffy paint will make it pop!  Feeling extra artsy?  Cover and tape off the non painted parts of the chair and give it a quick spray coat of crystal clear.

Progress Pic:

One weekend later, presto!  Your very own Captain's Chair!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tank (Slippers) are Rolling In

EDIT: Because of copyright and respect for the creator of the pattern, I will not be sharing the pattern.  Please find the pattern on Etsy by Miligurumis (sometimes Mily takes a break from Etsy and this link goes dead but they usually reactivate in a couple of months so check back later)

It's has been over 6 months of work and procrastination to finish these master pieces.  Each Panzer Tank is made of about 30 different parts and they even have puffy paint traction on the soles for protection!  These are a gift for a friend using a pattern by Miligurumis, which can be found on etsy.  Made with a j hook and crocheted simultaneously with a black Caron Soft and Caron One Pound gave these slippers the bulk to be men's size 13.  Most of the tank was done with a combination of grey Red Heart and Caron Soft.

And just to put this in perspective, here are almost all the parts of ONE tank slipper, and some of them are already sewn together!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Lion Inside

The last thing I had to do before graduating from college wasn't writing a paper, taking a test, or eating a ridiculously large celebratory dinner.  No, this was the time for crafting, and let me tell you I really wanted to bring my knitting to convocation, two hours of sitting is way too long to be without crafting supplies!  #addicted  Anyway, my last project as an undergraduate was for my boss's, boss's coworker--it's complicated.

He asked me to make him something crafty.  I suggested a crochet burger and fries that looks like a lot of fun.  He countered with something lion themed, African lions only.  This is what he gets for being so wonderfully vague--his very own lion themed scarf.  Now he can look like Hercules and wear the skin of a lion!

I really enjoyed making this guy with some yellow Caron one pound yarn, orange sparkly funfur, and touches of cream and brown from a really old brand that was bought out by Red Heart.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Totodile Keychain

Apparently I'm getting back in the game! More posts, more projects, and more sales! This cutie was made on request with azure Caron One Pound, a touch of red and yellow Red Heart, and scraps of white and black felt. Top it off with red and black sharpie eyes and a chain mail keychain, things are looking good for this little Pokemon!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


What do you call a seven legged octopus? HEPTOCTOPUS!!! How do you make an octopus giggle 10 times?… You give him ten-ticles!

Anyway this adorable octopus was made for my roommate for Christmas from seafoam green Caron yarn.